TimTheTatman And Dr Disrespect Warzone Teamwork

Amiel Rose Andres - January 31, 2022
TimTheTatman And Dr Disrespect Warzone Teamwork

With a ridiculous teamwork double kill that looked like it came from a Call of Duty campaign, the Warzone combination of Dr Disrespect and TimTheTatman revealed why they’re two of the best streamers to watch.

Dr. Disrespect and TimTheTatman are two of the most popular YouTubers, and when they’re together, their videos seem to be even better. Doc was unable to queue with his friend on Twitch because of the Amazon-owned site’s rules, but Tim and the Two-Time haven’t missed a beat since migrating to YouTube. The best illustration of this is a viral TikTok video in which the two collaborated to snipe down an opposition team with unrivaled precision.

When playing Call of Duty’s single-player campaigns, you’ll often be faced with sniping an unsuspecting enemy while an AI teammate is dealing with another, often in unison.

Doc and Tim were focusing on two distinct targets in close proximity to each other during a Warzone play. When Tim was ready to line up his shot on the unsuspecting foe, he remarked, “Right here.” He scoped in to get a frag at the same time Tim fired the trigger on his screen. Doc said; “I see one guy right there. Whoa, Timmy! The timing on that!”

Tim was taken aback by the outcome, Tim had to ask if the two-time even made his shot to which Doc responded by saying the coordination was “perfect.” 

It’s not often that you witness a double snipe like that, but it only goes to show why Doc and Tim are so popular. Users were impressed by how clean the team wipe was, and the clip was seen over 500,000 times. Although it is still early in the year, when everything is said and done, this could be a contender for team play of the year. Let’s see if Doc and Tim can keep up the momentum, violence, and speed in Warzone as the year progresses.