Leafy Permanently Banned On Twitch Shortly After Being Banned On YouTube

TwitchBeat - September 12, 2020
Leafy Permanently Banned On Twitch Shortly After Being Banned On YouTube

Calvin Lee Vail aka Leafyishere was permanently banned from Twitch due to violating the terms of service. Before receiving his permanent ban, Leafy’s YouTube account was terminated due to multiple and severe violations of YouTube’s policy prohibiting content designed to harass, bully or threaten. Some weeks later, Twitch also terminated his account and permanently banned it. It was the same day that Pokimane announced her return to streaming from her one-month hiatus.

Leafy is said to be threatening the lives of people and other streamers on the platform. Twitch banned Leafy for the safety of the community. Twitch stated that the safety of the community was their first priority that’s why they terminated Leafy on Twitch permanently. Additionally, on one of his streams he was talking about opening his own platform without terms and services where you can say and do whatever you want. Twitch stated according to the source @Slasher; “The safety of our community is our top priority, and we reserve the right to suspend any account for conduct that violates our rules, or that we determine to be inappropriate, harmful, or puts our community at risk”.

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