Hasan Hilarious Rant

Amiel Rose Andres - January 4, 2023
Hasan Hilarious Rant

Hasan, a popular streamer on Twitch, launched into a humorous tirade against a TikTok commenter who suggested that the well-known individual had bought a “gold cube” for $11.8 million.

Hasan is one of the most well-known streamers on Twitch. Hasan is well-known for his political analysis, his well-liked “Fear” podcast, his witty exchanges with other online broadcasters, and his 2.3 million followers on the platform. The streamer has faced criticism in the past for a few of his own purchases, the most famous of which being a $200,000 Porsche he acquired in February 2022, on top of a $2.7 million Hollywood mansion. 

Given that Hasan has previously criticized wealthy public personalities due to his political views, some viewers criticized him for making these purchases. It’s an issue that the streamer keeps running into on occasion. Hasan, though, was hilariously driven to his breaking point by the most recent criticism leveled against him. In a recent broadcast, Hasan voiced his displeasure with a TikTok commenter who falsely claimed that the streamer had bought a “gold cube” for $11 million, objecting to the apparent purchase because of his political views.

The commenter declared; “Hasan is insufferable. He claims to have never claimed he was a socialist but literally has, and then spends 11 million on a golden cube.” When approached by another commenter saying Hasan had never made such a purchase, the TikToker replied: “Maybe that was some weird dream I had, but I still dislike him.”

Hasan finally had enough and launched into a lengthy tirade on the TikToker. He said, “How can he be so f*cking stupid! How? How do you survive the planet? How? Do you forget to breathe sometimes? Literally it’s like, ‘I just don’t like the motherf*cker. I saw him in a dream.’”

Of course, Hasan never actually spent $11 million on a golden cube. The subject was brought up in a satirical Tweet that was sent in February during the uproar over Hasan’s Porsche purchase. In the Tweet, YouTuber “ostonox” photo-shopped the streamer into an image of a golden cube. Hasan is probably sick of hearing that some people believed the image to be real because it was sufficiently convincing. 

It’s no big deal for him, though, as he was among the most popular Twitch streams in 2022, along with well-known figures like xQc and Ibai.

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