Disguised Toast Shocks His Viewers

Amiel Rose Andres - June 6, 2022
Disguised Toast Shocks His Viewers

Jeremy ‘Disguised Toast’ Wang, a Twitch star, surprised viewers when he revealed that numerous streamers could be fired soon due to “skeletons” in their closets.

Twitch streamers, like traditional celebrities, have had their fair share of scandals in recent years, with previous misdeeds coming back to haunt them. However, sometimes these scandals go unnoticed until they’re eventually exposed to the public, resulting in a lot of drama and, depending on the severity, serious consequences. 

During a live stream on June 2nd, Disguised Toast was answering viewers’ questions when he indicated that some of the platform’s most popular stars could be facing major legal issues as a result of their prior behavior. He said; “I’m very aware of everyone’s skeletons in the closet. And I think it says a lot about their character.”

While the streamer did not name names, he did state that he and his friends are preparing a party, and that some of the cancelable people will be attending. Toast claimed, stressing that he’d never tell anyone why; “I was looking at the guest list and I’m like, ‘f**k this guy, f**k this guy, f**k this guy. I don’t like them.’ But the other people are like ‘what’s wrong with them? They’ve always been chill,’ Honestly, some of them, I swear to God, will be canceled within the next year. But I can’t say anything, because what am I going to say?”

It’s still unclear who Toast was referring to and what their transgressions are. If these streamers do attend the party, though, viewers may be able to put together some of the riddle.

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