Destiny Signed Deal With Kick And Rumble

Amiel Rose Andres - March 19, 2023
Destiny Signed Deal With Kick And Rumble

Steven “Destiny,” a controversial YouTube streamer, announced on March 18, 2023 that he had signed a streaming contract with Kick, a platform sponsored by Trainwreckstv. Additionally, he had also signed a contract with Rumble.

Destiny clarified the situation and revealed that he was on a three-month Kick probationary period during which he would be required to present eight exclusive broadcasts each month. Rumble, however, had a two-year contract that he had inked. On March 18, at the 20-minute point of his broadcast, Steven made the announcement and exclaimed, laughing, that the ensuing three months would be “a wild ride.” The content creator explained that Kick and she had signed a distribution agreement: “All right, listen up! These next three months are going to be a wild ride. Okay? I hope I’m allowed to do this, but… I have… I’ve signed a three-month probationary thing with Kick. All right? We’re going to do… some number of… I think it was eight.”

He continued by describing how he would stop some broadcasts and switch to Kick to continue: “It was eight Kick-exclusive streams a month. Meaning, that like, I’ll probably cut my stream at the end of the day and move to Kick. Eight times a month, for eight months. We’ll see how it goes.” 

In addition to Kick, Destiny mentioned that he had agreed to a two-year deal with the Rumble platform, which is located in Ontario: “However, I also signed a two-year Rumble thing. Mainly for dual streaming. But they also want a few cut-off streams per month. Where I just cut-off and do, like, the last couple of hours on Rumble.” 

Destiny outlined his plans for the coming months: “So, I think for the most part, I think what we’re going to do is, we’re going to be dual streaming and then, I’ll pick out days, either tonight or tomorrow, I’ll pick out some days, when we’ll be doing Kick. And some days we’ll be doing Rumble.”

The resident of Nebraska went on to say the following: “I’ll probably use my Rumble and my Kick streams, to either do, like, watch s**t that we couldn’t. Maybe, like, vaccine-related stuff.”

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