CS:GO Streamer Fl0m Faces A Month-Long Ban For Griefing

TwitchBeat - March 20, 2020
CS:GO Streamer Fl0m Faces A Month-Long Ban For Griefing

Eric Flom, aka “fl0m” is a popular Twitch streamer known for playing Counter Strike: Global Offensive. He recently faced a 38-day ban on CS: GO matchmaking due to ‘griefing’. A griefer or bad faith player is a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately irritates and harasses other players within the game, using aspects of the game in unintended ways causing other players to be distracted in their gameplay.

He was playing with his friends when suddenly he was disconnected from the game and was heard saying “got a 38-day cool down”. Later he confirmed via a post on Twitter; “I have been overwatch banned for being majorly disruptive”. Instead of getting angry about the situation, he simply explained; “My overwatch banned live. As stated, before I only 5 stack mm with the homies and memes so I think that is what the overwatcher saw and why I got clapped”.

Some were concerned that Eric Flom needed to be really careful about not getting another ban in the future because a second ban could get him permanently banned from matchmaking.

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