Baked Alaska Thrown Off YouTube

TwitchBeat - October 13, 2020
Baked Alaska Thrown Off YouTube

Twitch streamer Anthime Gionet aka Baked Alaska might be banned from his YouTube account after addressing some employees about not wearing a mask. Wearing a mask today is very necessary because we’re facing a global pandemic due to Coronavirus. Baked Alaska was live streaming when this incident happened. A woman employee approached him and asked if he had a mask to wear. He responded; “I have to say fuck your mask. I’m not wearing it”.

Because of his behaviour towards the woman employee, a male employee asked him to just leave the shop. He refused and proceeded to pay for what he had in his hands, a hat. The staff of the store didn’t allow him to check out the hat and called the police. He then said that he just wanted to buy that hat and leave, but the employees would not let him. In his live stream, the Super Chat Automated Voice Commenting was on wherein people around can hear some of the toxic comments that were being made by his followers.

Regardless, the streamer continuously insisted that wearing masks was just nonsense and unnecessary. Because of this incident, he ended up getting arrested. When he tried to get away from them, he was blocked by the police and they detained him for trespassing. This incident became controversial and his YouTube account was said to be deleted because of this.

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