AriaSaki Is Forced To Kiss A Viewer

Amiel Rose Andres - September 15, 2022
AriaSaki Is Forced To Kiss A Viewer

A unpleasant experience resulted from a Twitch streamer forgetting to remove “kiss a viewer” as a channel points reward.

Streamers on Twitch can add incentives that viewers can reclaim with channel points. These may include features like the ability to highlight a message and use subscriber emotes, but some go above and beyond. For instance, Overwatch streamer Dafran was forced to bathe in an ice-filled tub. 

A fan recently used a channel point incentive that she was unaware of when watching Immortals content creator “AriaSaki” during a September broadcast. A viewer redeeming a kiss from AriaSaki in the middle of the stream definitely caught her off guard. 

She gasped in confusion; “You redeemed a kiss through the camera?! I had a reward like that? Bruh.”

Aria agreed to the kiss but insisted that she didn’t even remember adding it. She is a woman of her word. Anyhow, she leaned forward, pursed her lips, and ultimately made a mess. The wet streamer shrieked in panic, “Oh my God, I spilled my water. Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!”

Fortunately, there was no damage to her setup, but Aria made sure to warn the audience that they had best enjoy the kiss. She exclaimed; “I need to take off that reward. That was weird. That was strange. I didn’t even know that was a thing!”

Because you never know when someone might cash in, this incident serves as a good reminder to Twitch streamers to make sure they don’t have any embarrassing channel point incentives lying around. It has happened to streamers before when channel points have turned against them. 

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